Post Construction Requirements

The Central Coast Regional Water Board’s new, more stringent development requirements known as, Post-Construction Requirements (PCRs), became effective March 6, 2014.  Projects that receive their first discretionary approval for design elements after March 6, 2014 or if no discretionary approval is required, receive their first ministerial permit after that date, are subject to the PCRs.




Detached Single Family Homes            

All Others (Commercial, Industrial, Two-&  Multi-Family Homes

Basic Tier

New/Replaced impervious area < 2,500 sf

Tier 1

New/Replaced impervious area > 2,500 sf

New/Replaced impervious area > 2,500 sf

Tier 2


Net impervious area > 5,000 sf

Tier 3

Net impervious area > 15,000 sf

New/Replaced impervious area > 15,000 sf

Tier 4

New/Replaced impervious area > 22,500 sf


Requirements at a Glance

Type of Project

Performance Requirements

Exempt from PCRs

Runoff Reduction

·        Minimize runoff by redirecting downspouts to landscape

•     Utilize pervious paving material

·        Install a rain barrel

Tier 1

·        Projects, including single-family homes, that create or replace 2,500 sf or more of impervious area

Site Design and Runoff Reduction

·        Limit disturbance of natural drainage features.

·        Limit clearing, grading, and soil compaction.

·        Minimize impervious surfaces.

·        Minimize runoff by dispersing runoff to landscape or using permeable pavements

Tier 2

·        Detached single-family homes that create or replace 15,000 sf or more of net impervious surface.

·        All other projects that create or replace 5,000 sf or more of net impervious surface.

Water Quality Treatment

·        Meet all Tier 1 requirements

·        Treat runoff with an approved and appropriately sized LID treatment system prior to discharge from the site.

Tier 3

·        Projects including single-family homes that create or replace 15,000 sf or more of impervious surface.

Runoff Retention

·        Meet all Tier 1 and Tier 2 requirements

·        Prevent offsite discharge from events up to the 95th percentile rainfall event using Stormwater Control Measures.

Tier 4

·        Projects that create or replace 22,500 sf or more of impervious surface.

Control Peak Flows

·        Meet all Tier 3 requirements

·        Control peak flows to not exceed pre-project flows for the 2-year through 10-year events.